What is YOUTH MUSTER all about?
YOUTH MUSTER is a conference run by the Anglican Diocese of Armidale for youth groups in Northern NSW. Over one big weekend in Tamworth, the youth of Northern NSW gather to have fun and learn from god’s word. It’s going to be a great weekend.
Why come to YOUTH MUSTER 24?
This year at YOUTH MUSTER we will be looking at the books of Joshua and Ephesians under the theme Strong and Courageous. Pete Munday and Tim Hearne (Hunter Bible Church, Newcastle) will be helping us to think about the God who was strong and courageous in our place, taking on our sin and shame, so that we could know Him!
We will also dive into Joshua and see what it meant for this Old Testament Israelite leader to live courageously for God in the face of adversity. We will see how God helps us to do the same in today's world.

Who is YOUTH MUSTER for?
YOUTH MUSTER is a conference for youth in years 7-12 and leaders of youth groups. YOUTH MUSTER is a conference that youth groups bring their youth along to, so youth must attend with their leaders.
How much does YOUTH MUSTER cost and what is included in the cost of a ticket?
The early-bird rate is $70 if we receive your rego on or before the 20th of October, 2024. The
standard rate is $120. Rego closes on the 3rd of November, 2024.
The cost of a ticket includes a YOUTH MUSTER 24 t-shirt, food and accommodation, as well as covering general running costs for the weekend.
Please note: Your rego doesn't need to be paid by the 20th to secure the early-bird rate, we just need to know who is coming from your church.

Who is responsible for me while at YOUTH MUSTER 24?
YOUTH MUSTER is a weekend that youth groups bring a group to and will need to fulfil all their parish's requirements for taking youth to an event. While we need to know numbers and dietary requirements etc., each group needs to take responsibility for their young people during the weekend by keeping records of emergency contact details, etc. The group leader is your group's primary point of contact on the weekend.
What accommodation is available for YOUTH MUSTER 24?
This year, there will be camping available onsite for all delegates (youth and leaders). If this is unsuitable for some reason, please contact us at youth@armidaleanglicandiocese.com to make alternate arrangements.

If YOUTH MUSTER is not an event that you have brought your youth group along to before, we are delighted that you are considering joining us. Get in touch with us at youth@armidaleanglicandiocese.com to talk about how you can come and try YOUTH MUSTER for an evening, day or even the whole weekend, we would love to have you!
Download our YOUTH MUSTER 24 Info Document for more info.
What if I'm not part of a youth group?
We encourage you to join a local youth group or ask your school friends to see if their youth group is attending YOUTH MUSTER 24 so you can join them. Otherwise, let us know and we will see if there are any youth groups attending from
your area.

Dates | Friday 15 - Sunday 17 November, 2024
Location | Carinya Christian School, Tamworth
Speakers | Pete Munday and Tim Hearne (Hunter Bible Church, Newcastle)